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Shamanism is an ancestral art that comes from the origins of humanity.

I will not discuss traditional shamanism widely documented elsewhere, but rather give here my approach and the way I practice.

I insist on the use of the words 'shamanic practices' rather than 'shaman', I consider myself as an accompanying and transmitting, witch (follower of the cauldron, medicinal plants, trees and cats) but not 'shaman', word borrowed from a culture other than mine.

I take this path for more freedom and as a path of the heart above all,

at the service of life.

It is a path of direct revelation, through experience, in the present,

through dreams and bodily trance, in relation to the invisible.

The interpretations belong to us,

according to our personal history and our culture.

I invite you to seek your own truths and find your own answers,

while remaining within an ethical and benevolent framework. 

I accompany practitioners or patients to travel by themselves and through their body to bring back resources on a daily basis,

for a better life with the great living.

Practically it consists of traveling inside oneself to the sound of the drum,

support of the altered state of consciousness,

to meet unsuspected or forgotten parts of oneself.

We can then interact and co-create with nature spirits, ancestors, living archetypes within us, 

manifest them through the body and the dance the time of this space

and bring back answers,

resources and a new impetus of life.


Workshops and courses of shamanic practices

I offer workshops to discover shamanic practice

(2 hours around Gabriac) or per day or courses of 1 or 2 days.

I travel for days or courses for groups of ten people. 

2h workshop: 15€/person

Day: 50€/pers (shared meals)

Course (Friday 6 p.m. to Sunday 3 p.m.): €150/pers (price excluding accommodation, shared meals)

     If you would like to host one of these courses in your home or area

 get in touch

(you will benefit from a reduction on the price of the course)

Workshops and internships

I propose themes according to the cycle of the seasons and I use the terms pagans who refer to the archetypes of nature and the elements. Each workshop or course is a celebration that accompanies our biological rhythms.

Samhain – new moon

Yule – Winter Solstice

Imbolc – first district

Ostara – spring equinox

Beltane – Full Moon

Litha – Summer Solstice

Lugnasad – last quarter

Mabon – Autumn Equinox

Other themes are also needed, such as:

call of the dragons            The song of the ancestors              The Tree Dance                 The hero's journey


Agenda 2023:

Imbolc shamanic day : 4 February in Gabriac

Ostara shamanic day : March 18 in Gabriac

Horses and drums, how to embody my resources: 1 Aprhe at Florac

Beltane shamanic day : May 6 in Gabriac

Horses and drums : June 3 in Florac

litha shamanic day: June 25 in Gabriac

The magic of plants :  July 1st in Gabriac

Horses and drums: July 27 in Florac

Lugnasad shamanic day: August 5 in Gabriac

Lugnasad shamanic day: August 8 in Lasalle

Meeting around the feminine: August 12 in Sainte Croix Vallée Française

mabon shamanic day: September 23 in Gabriac

Agenda 2022:

Yule Shamanic Day :17 December 


Samhain dayshamanic spirit: October 25 in Gabriac

mabon Shamanic day:September 24 in Gabriac

Horses and drums, open the 'song' of your possibilities: September 10 at Florac

Lugnasad Shamanic day: July 30 in Gabriac outdoors

litha Shamanic day:June 18 in Gabriac outdoors

Beltane shamanic day:April 30, location to be determined

Horses and drums shamanic day:April 23 at Florac, Imala center

Ostara shamanic day:March 19 at Ispagnac

Imbolc Shamanic day:February 5 in Gabriac

Agenda 2021:

Yule Shamanic day: December 18 in Gabriac 

Samhain Shamanic day: October 30 in Ispagnac 

mabon Shamanic day:September 18, 2021 in Gabriac

Lugnasad Shamanic day: July 31, 2021 in Gabriac outdoors

litha Shamanic day:June 19, 2021 in Gabriac

Beltane Shamanic day:May 1, 2021 in Ispagnac

Ostara Shamanic Day:March 20, 2021 in Gabriac

Imbolc Shamanic day: January 30, 2021 in Gabriac

Drum making course in January (2 days in Gabriac) with Sandrine, dates to come...

Agenda for upcoming workshops and courses 2020:


Yule Shamanic Day:December 19, 2020 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Claux

Samhain Celebration:  October 31, 2020 at Claux

Shamanism initiation day : October 10, 2020 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Florac

Lugh's Dragons:August 8, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Gabriac, outdoors 

The breath of the World Tree:THE July 11, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Gabriac, outdoors

Litha:  June 20 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Gabriac, outdoors

The Dragons of Ostara:March 21, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Gabriac 48110 Canceled causecovid

Imbolc:February 1 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in Gabriac

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